Punjabi Baby Boy Names Starting With D

81 Punjabi Boy Names Starting With 'D' Found
Showing 1 - 81 of 81
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Dilbagh (ਦੀਲਬਾਘ) Blossoming heart; Lionhearted; Tiger 7 Boy-E
Dharam (ਧਰਮ) Religion; Law religious 9 Boy-E
Devendra (ਦੇਵੇਨ੍ਦ੍ਰ) King of Gods, Lord Indra 1 Boy-E
Dilshaan (ਦਿਲਸ਼ਾਨ) Glory of heart 5 Boy-E
Darshpreet (ਦਰ੍ਸ਼ਪ੍ਰਿਤ) The Love for Lord Krishna 6 Boy-E
Damanjot (ਦਮਨਜੋਤ) Light of suppression 6 Boy-E
Digpal (ਦਿਗਪਾਲ) Protector of all directions 4 Boy-E
Dilsher (ਦਿਲਸ਼ੇਰ) Lion's heart 3 Boy-E
Daljinder (ਦਲਜੀਨਦੇਰ) Army of God in heaven 5 Boy-E
Dharampal (ਧਰਮਪਾਲ) The supporter of righteousness 11 Boy-E
Diljit (ਦੀਲਜੀਤ) Victory of heart 1 Boy-E
Daler (ਦਲੇਰ) Brave; Valiant; Daring; Fearless; Bold 22 Boy-E
Dharmpal (ਧਰਮਪਾਲ) Protector of religion 1 Boy-E
Dhanjot (ਧਨਜੋਤ) Light of wealth 9 Boy-E
Dalbir (ਦਲਬੀਰ) Soldier 1 Boy-E
Dilmeet (ਦਿਲਮਿਤ) Friend of heart 5 Boy-E
Daljeet (ਦਲਜੀਤ) The conqueror of forces; Victorious army 3 Boy-E
Damanjit (ਦਮਨਜਿਤ) Victory over suppression 9 Boy-E
Darpreet (ਦਰ੍ਪ੍ਰਿਤ) Love for God's door 6 Boy-E
Dhanjeet (ਧਨਜਿਤ) Wealth 4 Boy-E
Dharamdev (ਧਰਮਦੇਵ) God of faith 4 Boy-E
Devjeet (ਦੇਵਜੀਤ) Triumph of the God 8 Boy-E
Dhanmeet (ਧਨਮਿਤ) One who is friendly with charity 7 Boy-E
Dilneet (ਦਿਲਨਿਤ) Ethical heart; Moral soul 6 Boy-E
Danmeet (ਦਾਨਮਿਤ) One who is friendly with charity 8 Boy-E
Darbjot (ਦਰਬਜੋਤ) Light of wealth 7 Boy-E
Darminder (ਦਰਮੀਨ੍ਦੇਰ) The door of the God of Heaven 5 Boy-E
Dharvan (ਧਰਵਾਨ) A winner 5 Boy-E
Dilraaj (ਦਿਲਰਾਜ) Hearty kingdom; Ruler of the heart 1 Boy-E
Dalpreet (ਦਲਪ੍ਰਿਤ) Teams Love 9 Boy-E
Damoder (ਦਮੋਦੇਰ) Lord Vishnu 6 Boy-E
Devatma (ਦੇਵਾਤ੍ਮਾ) Deity incarnate 3 Boy-E
Dhanwant (ਧਨਵਨ੍ਤ) Lucky; Fortunate 4 Boy-E
Diljeev (ਦੀਲਜੀਵ) Courageous live 4 Boy-E
Dilvinder (ਦਿਲਵਿਨ੍ਦੇਰ) Heart of God in Heaven 7 Boy-E
Damanjeet (ਦਮਨਜਿਤ) Victory over suppression 1 Boy-E
Dalbinder (ਦਲਬੀਨਦੇਰ) Army of God in heaven 6 Boy-E
Dalbinderjit (ਦਲਬਿਂਦਰਜੀਤ) Victorious army of God in heaven 9 Boy-E
Dalgeet (ਦਲਗੀਤ) Team songs 9 Boy-E
Daljodh (ਦਲਜੋਧ) Team fighter 9 Boy-E
Darshanbir (ਦਰ੍ਸ਼ਨਬੀਰ) The vision of exalted bravery 4 Boy-E
Davinderpreet (ਦਵਿਂਦਰਪ੍ਰੀਤ) Love of the deity of heaven 6 Boy-E
Dayadeep (ਦਯਾਦੀਪ) Lamp of compassion 7 Boy-E
Dayajot (ਦਯਾਜੋਤ) Light of compassion 22 Boy-E
Dayaljot (ਦਯਾਲਜੋਤ) Light of mercy 7 Boy-E
Dayapreet (ਦਯਾਪ੍ਰੀਤ) Lover of compassion 5 Boy-E
Dayawant (ਦਯਾਵਂਤ) Full of kindness 8 Boy-E
Deenpal (ਦਿਨਪਾਲ) The protector of the helpless; The Sun 3 Boy-E
Deenprem (ਦਿਨਪ੍ਰੇਮ) Love for the helpless 8 Boy-E
Deentek (ਦਿਨਤੇਕ) A supporter of the helpless 1 Boy-E
Deepleen (ਦਿਪਲੀਨ) Absorbed in the lamp 3 Boy-E
Dharamjyot (ਧਰਮਜ੍ਯੋਤ) Light of righteousness and virtues 7 Boy-E
Dharamleen (ਧਰਮਲੀਨ) One absorbed in righteousness 9 Boy-E
Dharamsheel (ਧਰਮਸ਼ੀਲ) Holy 4 Boy-E
Dharmjot (ਧਰ੍ਮਜੋਤ) Light of religious 8 Boy-E
Dharmtat (ਧਰ੍ਮਤਤ) Holy one full of virtue 4 Boy-E
Dhianjog (ਧਿਆਨਜੋਗ) Union with meditation 5 Boy-E
Dilbaagh (ਦੀਲਬਾਘ) Blossoming heart; Lionhearted; Tiger 8 Boy-E
Dilchanann (ਦੀਲਚਾਨਾਨ੍ਨ) Spiritual illumination of the heart 8 Boy-E
Dukhnivarn (ਦੁਖਨੀਵਰ੍ਣ , ਦੁਖਨੀਵਾਰ੍ਣ) Remover of sorrow and suffering 2 Boy-E
Dharampreet (ਧਰਮਪ੍ਰੀਤ) Love of faith 1 Boy-E
Devendar (ਦੇਵੇਂਦਰ) King of lords 1 Boy-E
Dilreet (ਦਿਲਰਿਤ) Hearty traditions 1 Boy-E
Dalraj (ਦਲਰਾਜ) Army of the king 1 Boy-E
Dilbaag (ਦਿਲਬਾਗ) Heart blossom 9 Boy-E
Daljit (ਦਲਜੀਤ) The conqueror of forces; Victorious army 2 Boy-E
Dalvinder (ਦਲਵਿਨ੍ਦੇਰ) Army of God in heaven 8 Boy-E
Devpreet (ਦੇਵਪ੍ਰਿਤ) Love for God 5 Boy-E
Divleen (ਦੀਵ੍ਲੀਨ) Divine 8 Boy-E
Devjot (ਦੇਵਜੋਤ) Godly light 22 Boy-E
Deepinder (ਦੀਪਿਂਦਰ) Light of the God 8 Boy-E
Dharamdeep (ਧਰਮਦੀਪ) Lamp of religion 3 Boy-E
Dhianjot (ਧੀਅਂਜੋਤ) Enlightened by meditation 9 Boy-E
Diljeet (ਦੀਲ੍ਜਿਤ) Victory of heart 11 Boy-E
Dilpreet (ਦਿਲਪ੍ਰਿਤ) Loving heart 8 Boy-E
Diljot (ਦਿਲਜੋਤ) Light of the heart 7 Boy-E
Dharmender (ਧਰਮੇਂਦਰ) Lord of Dharma 9 Boy-E
Deepjot (ਦਿਪਜੋਤ) Lamp flame 3 Boy-E
Dalip (ਦਲੀਪ) King 6 Boy-E
Dayajeet (ਦਯਾਜਿਤ) Compassionate victory 8 Boy-E
Divyajot (ਦਿਵ੍ਯਜੋਤ) 7 Boy-E