Kannada Baby Boy Names Starting With C

284 Kannada Boy Names Starting With 'C' Found
Showing 1 - 100 of 284
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Chaah (ಚಾಹ) Love; Pit; Fondness; Fancy; Wish; Longing; Desired 3 Boy-E
Chaand (ಚಾಂದ) Sincere wish; The Moon; To shine 22 Boy-E
Chain (ಚೈನ) Peace 8 Boy-E
Chak (ಚಕ) Brilliant; Happy; Sated 5 Boy-E
Chakshu (ಚಕ್ಷು) Eye 8 Boy-E
Chand (ಚಾಂದ) Sincere wish; The Moon; To shine 3 Boy-E
Chandu (ಚಂದು) The Moon 6 Boy-E
Cheana (ಚೇನಾ) Lord of luck 5 Boy-E
Chedi (ಛೇದೀ) Which cut and break; Leader; Charming; Wise; King and founder of the Chedi dynasty 11 Boy-E
Chetu (ಚೇತು) Power of Intellect 3 Boy-E
Chiinnu (ಚೀಂನುಂ) Sweet name & Lovely world 6 Boy-E
Chiku (ಚೀಕು) 7 Boy-E
Chintu (ಚಿಂಟೂ) Sun; Small; Little, Sweet 3 Boy-E
Chir (ಚೀರ) For a longer time; Brave; Victor 11 Boy-E
Chiru (ಚಿರು) Little 5 Boy-E
Chotu (ಛೋಟು) Small 22 Boy-E
Chaidya (ಚೈದ್ಯ) Wise; Ruler; King of Chedi 6 Boy-E
Chaitya (ಚೈತ್ಯ) Place of worship; Of the mind; Spirit; A stupa 4 Boy-E
Chakra (ಚಕ್ರ) A weapon of Lord Vishnu; Circular 6 Boy-E
Chandhu (ಚನ್ದೂ) The Moon 5 Boy-E
Chandra (ಚಂದ್ರಾ) The Moon 4 Boy-E
Chandru (ಚಂದ್ರು) Moon 6 Boy-E
Chant (ಚಾನ್ತ) Famous 1 Boy-E
Chetty (ಚೇಟ್ಟೀ) Mind 9 Boy-E
Chinni (ಚಿನ್ನೀ) Cute; Sweet 3 Boy-E
Chinniah (ಚಿನ್ನಾ) Lord 3 Boy-E
Chinnu (ಚಿನ್ನೂ) Small girl 6 Boy-E
Chintya (ಚಿಂತ್ಯಾ) Thought Provoking; Worthy of thought 8 Boy-E
Chitt (ಚಿತ್ತ) Mind 6 Boy-E
Chitta (ಚಿತ್ತ , ಚಿತ್ತಾ) Mind 7 Boy-E
Ceyone (ಕೇಯೋನ) Rising Sun 4 Boy-E
Chaaran (ಚಾರನ) Feet; One who chants praises; Bard 1 Boy-E
Chaayan (ಛಾಯನ) Moon; Collection 8 Boy-E
Chahan (ಚಾಹನ) Super 8 Boy-E
Chahat (ಚಾಹತ) Love 5 Boy-E
Chahel (ಚಾಹೇಲ) Good cheer 1 Boy-E
Chahit (ಚಾಹಿತ) Love of Heart 4 Boy-E
Chaital (ಚೈತಾಲ) Consciousness 9 Boy-E
Chaitan (ಚೈತನ) Consciousness; Perception; Intelligence; Vigour; Life 11 Boy-E
Chaithan (ಚೈಥಾನ) Consciousness; Perception; Intelligence; Vigour; Life 1 Boy-E
Chakesh (ಚಕೇಶ) Intelligent 1 Boy-E
Chakor (ಚಕೋರ) A bird enamored of the Moon 11 Boy-E
Chakshas (ಚಕ್ಷಸ) Sight; Look; Guide; Vision; Brilliance; Another name for Brihaspati; The teacher of Gods 7 Boy-E
Chaksu (ಚಕಶು) Eye 9 Boy-E
Chaman (ಚಮನ) Flower Garden 22 Boy-E
Champak (ಚಂಪಕ) A flower 8 Boy-E
Chanak (ಚನಕ) The sweet sound of bangles; Miner; Digger; Mouse 2 Boy-E
Chandak (ಚಂದಕ) Brilliant; The Moon 6 Boy-E
Chandan (ಚಂದನ) Sandalwood; Auspicious; Perfumed 9 Boy-E
Chandar (ಚಂದರ) The Moon 4 Boy-E
Chander (ಚಂದರ) The Moon 8 Boy-E
Chapal (ಚಪಲ) Quick 5 Boy-E
Charak (ಚರಕ) An ancient physician; The father of Chanakya; Nomadic religious student 6 Boy-E
Charan (ಚರಣ) Feet; One who chants praises; Bard 9 Boy-E
Charish (ಚಾರಿಶ) Grace 3 Boy-E
Charit (ಚರಿತ) Dear; History 5 Boy-E
Charith (ಚರಿತ) Dear; History 4 Boy-E
Charun (ಚಾರುನ) One with beautiful eyes 11 Boy-E
Chatur (ಚತುರ) Clever 8 Boy-E
Chayan (ಛಾಯಾನ) Moon; Collection 7 Boy-E
Chayank (ಚಯಾಂಕ) The Moon 9 Boy-E
Chelan (ಚೇಲನ) Deep water; Consciousness 7 Boy-E
Cheliyan (ಚೇಲಿಯಾಂ) Rich; Resourceful; Prosperous 5 Boy-E
Cheluva (ಚೇಲುವಾ) Looking handsome 9 Boy-E
Chenna (ಚೇನನಾ) Lord Vishnu 9 Boy-E
Cherish (ಚೇರೀಶ) To care for dearly 7 Boy-E
Cherith (ಚೇರಿತ) Beloved 8 Boy-E
Chetak (ಚೇತಕ) Rana Pratap's horse; Thoughtful; Pensive 3 Boy-E
Chetan (ಚೇತನ) Intelligence; Perception; Spirit of life; Vigour; Life 6 Boy-E
Chetas (ಚೇತಸ) Mind; Perception; Intelligence; Brilliance 2 Boy-E
Chethan (ಚೇತನ) Intelligence; Perception; Sprit of life; Vigour; Life 5 Boy-E
Chhaayank (ಛಾಯಾಂಕ) The Moon 9 Boy-E
Chhandak (ಛಂದಕ) The charioteer of Lord Buddha 5 Boy-E
Chhayank (ಛಾಯಾಂಕ) The Moon 8 Boy-E
Chideesh (ಚೀಡೀಶ) Shining 7 Boy-E
Chikit (ಚಿಕಿತ) Experienced; Wise; Liberal 6 Boy-E
Chiman (ಚಿಮನ) Curious; Inquisitive 3 Boy-E
Chinar (ಚಿನಾರ) Name of a beautiful tree 8 Boy-E
Chinkal (ಚೀಂಕಲ) Lord Shiva 4 Boy-E
Chintak (ಚಿಂತಕ) Thinker 3 Boy-E
Chintan (ಚಿಂತನ) Thought; Meditation; Contemplation; Mind 6 Boy-E
Chintav (ಚಿಂತವ) Lamp 5 Boy-E
Chinthan (ಚಿಂತನ) Thought; Meditation; Contemplation; Mind 5 Boy-E
Chirag (ಚಿರಾಗ಼) Brilliance; Lamp 1 Boy-E
Chiraksh (ಚಿರಾಕ್ಷ) Beautiful eyed 5 Boy-E
Chirayu (ಚಿರಾಯು) An immortal; Long-lived person; Blessed with a long life 4 Boy-E
Chirush (ಚಿರೂಶ) God 5 Boy-E
Chitayu (ಚಿತಾಯುಂ) Descended from thought; The mind; Born of the intellect 6 Boy-E
Chitesh (ಚಿತೇಶ) Lord of the soul; Ruler of mind 9 Boy-E
Chithayu (ಚಿತಾಯು) Descended from thought; The mind; Born of the intellect 5 Boy-E
Chithesh (ಚಿತೇಶ) Lord of the soul; Ruler of mind 8 Boy-E
Chivesh (ಚಿವೇಶ) God's Gift; Good Gift 11 Boy-E
Chokshit (ಚಾಕ್ಷಿತ) Purity 3 Boy-E
Cholan (ಚೋಲನ) A South Indian Dynasty 8 Boy-E
Chuman (ಚುಮಾನ) Curious 6 Boy-E
Coshel (ಕೌಶಲ) Perfect in Any Task 8 Boy-E
Chaanakya (ಚಾಣಕ್ಯ) Son of Chanak; Renowned Mauryan writer and politician; Author of the Arthashastra 11 Boy-E
Chaitanya (ಚೈತನ್ಯ) Life; Knowledge; Sage; Soul; Intellect; Intelligence 1 Boy-E
Chaithanya (ಚೈತನ್ಯಾ) Life; Knowledge; Sage; Soul; Intellect; Intelligence 9 Boy-E
Chaitnya (ಚೈತನ್ಯ) Divine radiance; Consciousness; Life; Knowledge 9 Boy-E
Showing 1 - 100 of 284
See Also: Names starting with - C  CA  CE  CI  CO  CU  CH  CHA  CHE  CHI  CHO  CHU  CHH  CHHA  CHHE  CHHI  CHHO  CHHU  CR  CRA  CRE  CRI  CRO  CRU  

Popular Kannada Boy names beginning with C

Selecting a suitable name for a child has always been a special task for every parent. It requires a lot of thought. This popular collection of Modern Kannada Boy names beginning with C will help you to fina a perfect name for your newborn!. This Kannada names list contains cute, modern, unique and beautiful names for Boy child. We trust, you will find a perfect name from this list.